Search results for "calcium-carbonate-magnesium-hydroxide-zinc-sulphate". Trusted Tablets Online.

  • Zincoheal


    Vitamins And Minerals 1mg

    Zincoheal® Tab is an advanced formula of high concentration of essential nutrients, vital minerals and Zinc. Zinc plays a vital role in enhancing the immunity of the body. The ingredient Selenium is a powerful immune booster which guarantees a strong of immunity. This tab has nutrients which help advance healthy cell growth while assisting with the development and repair of tissues in all parts of your body.
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    kr 4.06
  • Zinconia


    Zinc 50mg

    Zinconia® tablet is a nutritional supplement which provides support in cardiac, tubercular, rheumatic and diabetic patients as well as those suffering from acute and chronic diseases. It mainly aids the absorption of calcium within the body. It helps in boosting the process of recovery from respiratory disorders. The tablet is utilized in treating all immune deficiency disorders. It also useful in facilitating the method of wound healing.
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    kr 4.06
  • Calcibrook Forte

    Calcibrook forte®

    Calcium Carbonate, Magnesium Hydroxide, Zinc Sulphate 1000mg/240mg/11mg

    Calcibrook forte® is a multivitamin complex containing 1000mg of calcium carbonate, 240mg of magnesium hydroxide, 11 mg of zinc sulfate monohydrate, and vitamin D3 - 500.
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    kr 3.81

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  • Jag har redan mottagit mitt paket, ett problem uppstod eftersom budet ville leverera det till mitt hem då de hävdade att de inte kunde placera beställningen i mitt postfack. Det var detta alternativ jag föredrog.
    Det är inte alltid någon hemma, så vi var tvungna att få paketet skickat till mitt kontor. Inga problem med det.
    Jag hade en förfrågan om de 4 extra pillerna, och dessa levererades inom några dagar via flygpost till mitt postfack.
    Jag skulle föreslå att ni uppmärksammar denna del i er process eftersom den extra kostnaden är onödig. Inkludera allt i ett paket.
    Allt som allt, bra service. - Jan